These are comments that have been made about Brad Robinson by other users of this site.
You can email Brad Robinson at g_jibboo at hotmail dot com. Brad Robinson has set his trading activity to 0 (out of 5)
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Date Score User Comment
Commenting Users Rating
06/26/2003 5 Jud Brad be the man! Nothing but positive experiences with trades/B+Ps in the past. Thanks Brad, for your generosity to me and our community!
Rating for Jud:5(14)
03/19/2003 5 Terry Watts I miss you Brad...
Rating for Terry Watts:5(41)
03/19/2003 5 Matthew Brad has done many b+p's for me in the past and i am grateful to him for that!
Rating for Matthew:4.8(20)
03/18/2003 5 Drew Whorley Brad's generosity, and desire to spread great sounding music quickly and reliably makes him a model for the trading community.
Rating for Drew Whorley:5(1)
11/26/2002 5 John Brad is great! You can totally take him into public and his personality totally makes up for his gold chains and fro! He knows how to use the US mail system too!
Rating for John:4.75(4)
02/11/2002 5 jimmy sellers nice hiatus poop stabber
Rating for jimmy sellers:5(4)
08/01/2001 5 Patrick Marshall brad is a kind trader that does a lot for ALL the communities he's a part of.
Rating for Patrick Marshall:5(2)
06/15/2001 5 Chad Snyder Brad is the best guy on earth. Plus, nobody gets heartburn like this guy. This guy knows acid reflux like nobody else.
Rating for Chad Snyder:5(7)
04/11/2001 5 Jerry O Consider yourself privileged to deal with Brad. His speed is legendary, his integrity is unquestionable and his kindness and generosity are boundless. I feel very lucky to know and deal with him.
Rating for Jerry O:5(2)
12/12/2000 5 Brad Sall This guy works with Sheep. The only thing he is good at is booting and burning SHNs. A positively charged ion on PCP.
Rating for Brad Sall:5(8)
11/05/2000 5 Brad Leblanc I set up a 6 disc SHN trade with Brad and received my discs within a week of finalizing it. Great quality discs, great trader!
Rating for Brad Leblanc:5(6)
11/01/2000 5 Tory Hunter I would rate Brad a 6 on a scale of 1 to 5. He's not just fantastic, he kicks ass.
Rating for Tory Hunter:5(7)
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