Date |
Venue - City, State |
SHN Info | SHN Comment | Media |
1. |
12/01/84 |
Nectar's - Burlington,
VT |
| |
SBD > Cass1 > DAT > CD-R > EAC > WAV > Cool Edit for Re-mastering (see notes at bottom) > SHN [1] First known Phish performance.
[2] First known performance.
[3] First known Phish performance; missing final lyrics.
[4] Marc Daubert.
[5] First known Phish performance; Dude of Life on vocals.
[6] First known performance; Dude of Life on vocals.
Skippy and Fluffhead featured The Dude of Life on vocals. The jam after Camel Walk may have been Back Porch Boogie Blues. Spanish Flea included an introduction of the band members. Don’t Want You No More was not performed in its entirety, as it lacked the final lyrics. The lengthy percussion jam featured a guest appearance from Marc Daubert. Mike recalls that there were approximately 200 people in the audience. This gig featured the first known version of Slave to the Traffic Light and Fluffhead, the first known Phish versions of Fire, Don't Want You No More, Cities, and Skippy the Wondermouse, and the only known Phish version of Spanish Flea. This performance was on the upstairs level of Nectar's.
2. |
08/21/87 |
Ian McLean's Farm - Hebron,
NY |
| |
sbd > cass/0 > dat > s/pdif [sb live] > hd [forge 4.0 / cdwav] > shn [1] First known Phish performance.
[2] Restarted after the opening lyric.
[3] First known performance.
[4] Extended intro.
[5] Freestyle reggae rapping from Trey.
[6] Unfinished.
This show is mislabeled on many recordings as 8/27/87. Teases were everywhere, including a Trench Town Rock quote from Trey before Hood, a Whipping Post tease from Fish and a Jingle Jangle Jingle tease from Trey after HYHU, a full band Sneakin' Sally tease before Golgi, a Smoke on the Water tease after Sparks, La Bamba lyrics in the Low Rider Jam, as well as a full band HYHU tease and a Slipknot! tease from Trey before McGrupp. Harpua was played by request and was restarted after the opening lyric, which was repeated. The intro to Sparks was extended while Fish relieved himself. McGrupp was introduced as "The Gala Event." The third set was heavy on jamming and light on lyrics. Trey delivered some freestyle reggae rapping before and during the Makisupa Jam that some fans have labeled the “Mouse House Rap.” Mike's included a DEG tease from Trey. David Bowie contained a Tom Sawyer tease and was unfinished. This show contained the first known performances of Bundle of Joy and BBFCFM and the first known Phish performance of HYHU.
3. |
??/??/87 |
Trey's Thesis, Goddard College (TMWSIY) - Plainfield,
VT |
| |
PRE-FM DAT "The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday" (TMWSIY). The musical story of Gamehendge. Many dates may circulate for this "show" but after a db show date merge, all new entries should be listed here.
4. |
12/10/88 |
The Red Barn at Hampshire College - Amherst,
MA |
| |
SBD > cass? > DAT > CDR > EAC > SHN Circulates mislabelled as 10-12-88 before show date merge. This is the correct date as found in the Phish Companion.
5. |
09/13/90 |
Wetlands Preserve - New York,
NY |
| |
DSBD -> DA-20 -> ZA2 * First time played. ** With the Dude of Life.
6. |
11/04/90 |
Fort Ram Nightclub - Fort Collins,
CO |
Source Detail | SBD; Transferred by Caleb Epstein |
DSBD *With Caravan teases
7. |
03/16/91 |
Ten Mile Room - Breckenridge,
CO |
| |
Pre-soundboard mix > DAT (48k) > PC via Event Gina S/PDIF > 44.1k (Cool Edit Pro, very high quality setting) > CD
8. |
07/21/91 |
Arrowhead Ranch - Parksville,
NY |
| |
SBD->Cass->Dat->cd With The Giant Country Horns.
* With Steve-O from New Orleans on washboard.
9. |
08/03/91 |
Amy Skelton's Larrabee Farm - Auburn,
ME |
| |
My Source said DSBD but this is obviously not a SBD. My best guess is it is the FOB Schoeps that is going around. * With The Dude of Life
** With The Dude of Life and Sophie Dillof
*** With Sophie Dillof
I Love Lucy Theme in various places.
10. |
03/14/92 |
Roseland Ballroom - New York,
NY |
| |
DSBD * With John Popper on harmonica.
11. |
12/31/92 |
Matthews Arena, Northeastern University - Boston,
MA |
| |
Matrix (DSBD+Elektra AUD) FM broadcast on WBCN. * With Kung during the narration. ** With the Dude of Life.
12. |
02/19/93 |
Roxy Theater - Atlanta,
GA |
| |
AKG 460bs>OADE>PANASONIC 255 Dedicated to Page's parents. *
Trey Anastasio - Guitar
Page McConnell - Keyboards
Mike Gordon - Bass
Jon Fishman - Drums
Jimmy Herring - Guitar *
13. |
02/20/93 |
Roxy Theater - Atlanta,
GA |
| |
DSBD Trey Anastasio - Guitar
Page McConnell - Keyboards
Mike Gordon - Bass
Jon Fishman - Drums
"Gene Simmons" (Jay Von Lehe) *
14. |
03/22/93 |
Crest Theater - Sacramento,
CA |
Source Detail | SBD > Cassette Master > DAT clone; Amazing Grace from AUD Schoeps CMC54> SV255; D>CD Conversion: DAP1 > SEK'D PRODIF Plus > WAV > SHN (no DAE), Joe Najera; etreed via Ben Mohr |
SBD > Cassette Master > DAT clone Complete Gamehendge Narration Started Before "The Lizards" And All The Way Through The End Of "McGrupp And The Watchful Hosemasters"
* - A cappella Performance
15. |
05/05/93 |
Palace Theater - Albany,
NY |
| |
DSBD * With ARU and the Dude of Life.
16. |
05/06/93 |
Palace Theater - Albany,
NY |
| |
DSBD * With Dick Solberg on fiddle. ** With Dick Solberg on fiddle and Jeff Walton on acoustic guitar.
17. |
07/17/93 |
Filene Center at Wolf Trap - Vienna,
VA |
| |
Schoeps mk4
18. |
08/02/93 |
The Ritz Theater - Tampa,
FL |
| |
AKG 480+CK61 cardioids > Oade preamp > Panasonic SV-255 deck (DFOB) * With Joe Rooney of First Born on vocals.
19. |
08/07/93 |
Darien Lake Performing Arts Center - Darien Center,
NY |
| |
AKG 483s>DAT>ZA2>Soundforge 4.0>CD Wav Editor>SHN
20. |
08/26/93 |
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland,
OR |
| |
AUD (possibly DAUD) unknown mics *With Baby Gramps, Fishman on vacuum.
21. |
06/22/94 |
Veterans Memorial Auditorium - Columbus,
OH |
| |
AKG 460 + CD61 * Acoustic and without mics.
22. |
10/31/94 |
Glens Falls Civic Center - Glens Falls,
NY |
Source Detail | complete except PA Goodnight; FOB Schoeps CMC6/mk4 > DAT > ZA2 > Soundforge
4.0 > CDWav > SHN; Transferred by Mike Ayers; Uploaded by Jim Mann; d1t1 level adjustments; diginoise d2t1 ~10:30-11:07 from orig
DAT; reportedly best copy circulating |
FOB:Schoeps CMC6+MK4>DAT>ZA2>Soundforge 4.0>CDWav Editor>.shn [1] Vibration of Death; "The Vibration of Death is gone" replaced the usual "The storm is gone."
[2] Phish debut.
[3] Phish debut; lyrics changed to "I told you 'bout Guyute the pig."
[4] Phish debut; instrumental.
[5] Phish debut; ended with band singing "I've got blisters on my fingers" a cappella to the tune of Back In My Hometown.
[6] Phish debut; lyrics changed to reference "Cactus."
[7] Phish debut. Fish on vacuum.
[8] Phish debut. He Ent to the Bog was played on a tape in the background. Fish on vacuum.
Trey teased Buried Alive in Divided Sky. Harpua included the Vibrations of Life and Death. Jimmy decided to put on his favorite album Barney's Greatest Hits, but turned his turntable on the wrong way and started playing it backwards. Fish then proceeded to sing a verse of War Pigs (with the band playing the song as well. Trey subsequently quoted I Love You (a.k.a. the theme to Barney & Friends) before Harpua resumed. Poster was swallowed up into the earth by the Vibration of Death. "The Vibration of Death is gone" replaced the usual "The storm is gone." Prior to the Vibration of Life, Wilson was teased and quoted and Page teased Call to the Post. A Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon tease (the heartbeats from Speak to Me) was pumped through the P.A. at the beginning of the second set. The second set "musical costume" was The Beatles' The Beatles (also known as The White Album) and was selected via fan vote. All of the White Album songs, other than Piggies, were Phish debuts, although Ob La Di, Ob La Da had been jammed or teased on many occasions. Glass Onion's lyrics were changed to "I told you 'bout Guyute the pig." Piggies was played for the first time since November 14, 1985 (884 shows). HYHU was teased prior to Why Don't We Do It in the Road. Birthday wasn’t sung; Page and Mike noodled a bit while Fish presented a birthday cake to Brad Sands, who accepted it while wearing a Jon Fishman dress. Helter Skelter ended with the band singing "I've got blisters on my fingers" a cappella to the tune of Back In My Hometown. Honey Pie's lyrics were changed to reference "Cactus." Cry Baby Cry ended with Fish on vacuum with Revolution 9 segueing out of the vacuum solo. The background tape playing along with Revolution 9 was Mike’s composition He Ent to the Bog from Phish’s White Tape. The song ended with Fish stark naked and running around while the band blew bubbles and waved. Good Night was taped from the album and closed the second set. The third set began with a Custard Pie tease from Trey and an Overture tease from Page, while Bowie contained a Gilligan's Island theme tease from Mike and Antelope's intro contained a Stash tease from Trey. The Costume Contest contained a "Charge!" tease from Page. This show was officially released as Live Phish 13. The soundcheck's Jam was released as an iTunes bonus track called "Glen Falls Soundcheck Jam" and contained a Frankenstein tease from Mike and a May The Force Be With You (The Force Theme from Star Wars) tease from Trey. The Poor Heart and Dog Log in the soundcheck were slow versions.
23. |
06/16/95 |
Walnut Creek Amphitheatre - Raleigh,
NC |
| |
AKG 460/CK61 * Three Split Open teases/false starts from Fishman before Dog Faced Boy. ** Extended jam (32 Minutes). *** With Boyd Tinsley, fiddler from Dave Matthews Band, on fiddle for a portion of the jam.
24. |
10/17/95 |
State Palace Theatre - New Orleans,
LA |
| |
Neumann KM140>SBM-1>D7 Medeski, Martin & Wood Opened
* - Sung first A capella by the band and then again by Nathan, a gospel type singer, with the audience.
^ - Martin & Wood join in the jam after Keyboard Army, then Nathan does some scatting.
25. |
12/07/95 |
Niagara Falls Convention Center - Niagara Falls,
NY |
| |
AT 4031 > Tascam DA-P1 * with Inagadadavita teases
** Fast tempo; botched ending
26. |
12/06/96 |
Aladdin Theater - Las Vegas,
NV |
| |
AKG 414 > ? > D8 > Montego II (via S/PDIF) > CEP 1.2 > CD-WAV * - A cappella
Encore Notes: Most of Harpua had Les Claypool and Larry LaLonde from Primus. After the opening, Les did a rap about a weed or something like that. Then more Harpua and the Jimmy story (Jimmy and Poster Nutbag going to Vegas). They stop and camp. At the campsite, they start yodeling, at which point John McEuen, Heather and Anamiekl August did a country/yodel tune. The story continues, Jimmy and Poster meet up with four Elvis' on the edge of Las Vegas and have a duel. The four Elvis's sing the first few verses of "Suspicious Minds" and then Fishman continues. Jimmy is victorious. Then the dog and cat fight occurs. Harpua wins and the song finishes. At some point everyone returns and then Brian Mantia, the drummer for Primus, shows up for "Suzy Greenberg." "Suzie Q" is lead by one of the Elvis'.
27. |
02/16/97 |
Alter Wartesaal - Köln,
Germany |
| |
Bootleg (probably SBD or Pre-FM) * - First Time Played (Del McCoury Band Cover)
28. |
02/18/97 |
Olympia Theater - Paris,
France |
| |
Schoeps CMC64V>Sonosax>Apogee AD-500>DA-P1>Turtle Beach Fiji SPDIF>Samplitude 48>44.1 Resample>CdWav>SHN * Dedicated to Jimi Hendrix
29. |
03/18/97 |
Flynn Theatre - Burlington,
VT |
| |
FM Broadcast (WIZN) -> DAT * First time played; Neil Young cover
** With Dave Grippo on alto sax and James Harvey on Trombone
*** With Tammy Fletcher from "The Disciples"
# Happy birthday wishes to Ben and Jerry.
30. |
06/06/97 |
Brad Sand's House - Charlotte,
VT |
| |
SBD/AUDmix(?) > DAT > CD > DAE > SHN private show
#Introduced by Trey as "Wading in Velveeta Cheese." *Has been called, perhaps jokingly, "Olivia's Pool." **An instrumental variation of the song "Samson Riff" from "Samson Riffs", an album by Trey's mentor and composition instructor Ernie Stires. Trey joins Stires on said track on the album. ##J.J. Cale cover, from his "Closer to You" album. ^Sly and the Family Stone cover. +Jimi Hendrix Experience cover.
31. |
06/19/97 |
Arena - Vienna,
Austria |
| |
AKG mics > ? * - First Time Played
^ - A cappella Performance Without Microphones
32. |
07/05/97 |
Piazza Risorgimento - Cernobbio,
Italy |
| |
33. |
07/09/97 |
Le Transbordeur - Lyon,
France |
| |
? * With Bela Fleck and the Flecktones.
34. |
07/10/97 |
Espace Julien - Marseille,
France |
| |
Nak 300s with CP-1 cardioids > Denon DRT-80P DAT *Phish takes turns jamming in pairs
** With members of the Son Seals' band
35. |
11/14/97 |
E Center - West Valley,
UT |
| |
Schoeps MK4 > VMS I02B > SBM-1 *Unfinished. **Dedicated to Paul Languedoc. #"Marco Esquandolas" part was whistled.
36. |
11/16/97 |
McNichols Sports Arena - Denver,
CO |
| |
Schoeps CMC65 > Reuthelhuber > SBM-1 > Otari DTR-8S > AES/EBU XLR digital cable > Zefiro ZA2 > Red Roaster software > CD > EAC > SHN *With Pete Wernick, aka "Dr. Banjo" on banjo. Wernick is a member of the Pete Wernick Live Five, a Colorado bluegrass band, and also produces instructional books and tapes for the banjo. He is a former member of Hot Rize (see 08-07-96).
37. |
11/23/97 |
Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum - Winston-Salem,
NC |
| |
Schoeps CMC6/MK41>Sonosax>SV-MD1>CD-R * 30 minutes!
**"Izabella" tease.
#Sung by Trey and Fish.
***With a "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" (Michael Jackson) tease.
38. |
11/28/97 |
Worcester Centrum - Worcester,
MA |
| |
Schoeps CMC6/MK41->Sonosax sx-m2->sv-md1 ^Page did "duh duh duh duh duh duh....CHARGE" thing. *With "Crosseyed and Painless" teases; no bass/drum jam or vocal jam. #With "Cities" teases/jam and start/stop jamming.
39. |
12/02/97 |
The Spectrum - Philadelphia,
PA |
| |
40. |
12/03/97 |
The Spectrum - Philadelphia,
PA |
| |
Neumann U87s > SX-M2 > SBM1@44.1 (same source as 12/2/97 Id guess) *Unfinished; "Simpsons" language during the high-hat intro. #with groove jam into caspian
41. |
12/12/97 |
Pepsi Arena - Albany,
NY |
| |
Neumann U87->Sonosax SX-M2->DA-P1. DA20mkII->ZA2->SoundForgeXP *With long jam not usually a part of the song. #With "Llama" teases. "Llama" teasing continued throughout the set. **With "Buried Alive" teases; lots of stop/start jamming.
42. |
04/02/98 |
Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum - Uniondale,
NY |
| |
B&K 4021 > AD1000 > ? * unfinished, into a jam then into horn
** Original; First Time Played
43. |
04/03/98 |
Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum - Uniondale,
NY |
| |
* Crosseyed and Painless Teases
44. |
04/05/98 |
Providence Civic Center - Providence,
RI |
| |
Unknown DAUD
45. |
07/01/98 |
The Grey Hall - Copenhagen,
Denmark |
| |
46. |
11/08/98 |
UIC Pavilion - Chicago,
IL |
| |
Schoeps CMC641 > Sonosax > InBox
47. |
07/01/99 |
First American Music Center - Antioch,
TN |
| |
Unknown (same as 7/9/99) Set 2 short possibly due to thunderstorm.
* With Jerry Douglas on dobro
** With Jerry Douglas on dobro, Ronnie McCoury on mandolin and Tim O'Brien on fiddle
# Tim O'Brien on lead vocals
^ Gary "El Buho" Gazaway on trumpet; each guest took a solo
*** Trey on small keyboard before vocal jam.
48. |
07/07/99 |
Blockbuster Pavillion - Charlotte,
NC |
| |
Schoeps M222/DV>LunatecV2>ApogeeAD1000>HHb>DAT * w/ Derek Trucks on slide guitar
49. |
07/09/99 |
Merriweather Post Pavillion - Columbia,
MD |
| |
Neumann U89 (hypercard) -> AD1000 @ 44.1 kHz -> D8
50. |
07/12/99 |
Tweeter Center - Mansfield,
MA |
| |
Lemons mystery patch
51. |
07/13/99 |
Tweeter Center - Mansfield,
MA |
| |
B&K4011s>DAT>ZA2>Soundforge 4.0>CDWav Editor>SHN * - w/ Scott Murawski Of Max Creek On Electric Guitar
^ - First Time Played
52. |
07/15/99 |
PNC Bank Arts Center - Holmdel,
NJ |
| |
Schoeps M222 tubes/MK4 caps>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD 1000>HHB
53. |
07/16/99 |
PNC Bank Arts Center - Holmdel,
NJ |
| |
Set I: Schoeps CMC6 Mk41 -> AD-1000 @ 44.1 -> D7; Set II: FOB Schoeps Mk21 -> KC5 -> CMC6 -> AD-1000 @ 44.1 -> D8 * Debut
54. |
07/17/99 |
Oswego County Airport - Volney,
NY |
| |
Schoeps cmbi + mk2s > AD1000 15 spread 130 degrees FOB *w/ Son Seals
#Reprised after as exit music for Seals
55. |
07/18/99 |
Oswego County Airport - Volney,
NY |
| |
Schoeps cmbi + mk2s > AD1000 15 spread 130 degrees FOB *w/ the Del McCoury Band
** with long jam (song total ~25min)
56. |
07/20/99 |
Molson Amphitheater - Toronto,
ON |
| |
Schoeps Mics (That is all that is known at the moment) * Led Zeppelin cover from 4th album; first time played
57. |
07/23/99 |
Polaris Amphitheatre - Columbus,
OH |
| |
AKG c480b/ck63 (hypercard. capsules) > Lunatec V2 > Sony TCD-D8
58. |
07/24/99 |
Alpine Valley Music Theatre - East Troy,
WI |
| |
Schoeps M222+mk4 > LunatecV2 > Apogee AD1000 > HHB > PCM-R500 > AES/EBU Monster Cable > ZA2 > CoolEditPro>SHN
59. |
07/25/99 |
Deer Creek Music Center - Noblesville,
IN |
| |
Schoeps CMC641>Lunatec v2>Graham Patten adc20>dap1 (Cashs rig)
60. |
07/26/99 |
Deer Creek Music Center - Noblesville,
IN |
| |
Schoeps CMC641>Lunatec v2>Graham Patten adc20>dap1 (Cashs rig)
61. |
09/11/99 |
The Gorge Ampitheatre - George,
WA |
| |
Schoeps Tubes (sorry no more mic info) * Debut
62. |
09/14/99 |
BSU Pavillion - Boise,
ID |
| |
DAUD (Schoeps CMC6/MK41 > Apogee AD-1000 > Tascam DA-P1 > Sony PCM-M1) > ZA2 (48 to 44.1) > HD > CDWav > shn * with Another one Bites the Dust jam
63. |
09/17/99 |
Shoreline Amphitheatre - Mountain View,
CA |
| |
Schoeps (unknown) [1] No vocal jam; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[2] Bass jam; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[3] Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[4] Phish debut; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[5] Phish debut; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar and Warren Haynes on guitar.
Phil Lesh joined the band on a second bass guitar from YEM through the end of the show. The encore also featured Warren Haynes on guitar. Cold Rain and Snow and Viola Lee Blues were both Phish debuts. YEM did not contain a vocal jam and included Phil joining Trey and Mike on trampolines. The subsequent jam out of YEM comprised of solely Mike and Phil.
64. |
09/17/99 |
Shoreline Amphitheatre - Mountain View,
CA |
| |
DAUD (Schoeps M222 tubes/Mk4 > Elvo NT222 > HHB PortaDAT) > ZA2 (48 kHz to 44.1 kHz resampling) > HD > CDWav (track splitting) > shn [1] No vocal jam; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[2] Bass jam; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[3] Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[4] Phish debut; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar.
[5] Phish debut; Phil Lesh on a second bass guitar and Warren Haynes on guitar.
Phil Lesh joined the band on a second bass guitar from YEM through the end of the show. The encore also featured Warren Haynes on guitar. Cold Rain and Snow and Viola Lee Blues were both Phish debuts. YEM did not contain a vocal jam and included Phil joining Trey and Mike on trampolines. The subsequent jam out of YEM comprised of solely Mike and Phil.
65. |
09/18/99 |
Coors Amphitheater - Chula Vista,
CA |
| |
AKG c1000s>za inbox>d7>datport>cdr
66. |
09/22/99 |
Pan American Center - Las Cruces,
NM |
| |
AKG 480s cardoid capsules -> MB100 Byer->SBM1
67. |
10/02/99 |
Target Center - Minneapolis,
MN |
| |
68. |
10/03/99 |
Allstate Center - Rosemont,
IL |
| |
Neumann KM-184 mics>Graham-Patten ADC>DA-P1 master>Tascam DA20 mkII>CDR>EAC>SHN * - with Sugar Blue (harmonica) and Son Seals (guitar and vocals)
69. |
10/04/99 |
Redbird Arena - Normal,
IL |
Source Detail | B&K 4021 (mics)> EAA PSP2 (preamp)> Tascam DAP1 (DAT)> CD (SPDIF)>
WAV (cdparanoia) -> Shorten; taped and seeded by E. Creighton; extraction/SHN
by B. Fager |
B&K 4021 (mics) -> EAA PSP2 (preamp) -> Tascam DAP1 (DAT) -> CD (SPDIF)-> WAV (cdparanoia) -> Shorten
70. |
10/09/99 |
Pepsi Arena - Albany,
NY |
| |
AKG 480/ck63 > SBM-1 > DA-P1
71. |
10/10/99 |
Pepsi Arena - Albany,
NY |
| |
Schoeps 641 > V2 > AD620 > DA-P1
72. |
12/02/99 |
The Palace - Auburn Hills,
MI |
| |
Neumann KM-184 -> Apogee AD1000 -> Tascam DAP1 *unfinished. With Also Sprach Zarathustra teases
73. |
12/03/99 |
Firstar Center - Cincinnati,
OH |
| |
Nakamichi 300 Guns -> SBM-1 -> D8
74. |
12/05/99 |
BlueCross Arena - Rochester,
NY |
| |
Schoeps CMC6/mk4 > Schoeps VMS52 > SBM-1 > D7 * Original; First time played
** Trey's Fan went into oscillating mode and blew into his amp mics, causing problems
75. |
12/08/99 |
Cumberland County Civic Center - Portland,
ME |
| |
B&K 4021 FOB--> Lunatec V2--> DAT--> ZA2(48/44.1)--> CEP (.wav)--> .shn *with Tweezer Reprise vocal jam
76. |
12/15/99 |
MCI Center - Washington,
DC |
| |
schoeps mk4v>lunatec v2>apogee ad100
77. |
12/17/99 |
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton,
VA |
| |
AKG 480/CK63>Graham Patten DMIC-20>Tascam DA-P1 * similar to the 10-10-99 set 2 Ambient Jam opener
78. |
12/18/99 |
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton,
VA |
| |
FOB Schoeps mk2h (in hat spaced 7) + kc 2.5 + cmc6 > Sonosax sx-m2 > HHb Portadat * - w/ Do You Feel Like We Do Tease/Jam
79. |
12/30/99 |
Big Cypress Seminole Reservation - Big Cypress,
FL |
| |
earthworks SR-77 > Lunatec V2 > ADC-20 > DA-P1 & M1 (concurrent) * with Seminole Indian Chief Jim Billy on lead vocals and guitar, John McCuen on mandolin/banjo, and someone else on lead electric guitar.
80. |
12/30/99 |
Big Cypress Seminole Reservation - Big Cypress,
FL |
| |
FOB Neumann U89(omni setting) Split 7 -> Apogee AD1000 * with Seminole Indian Chief Jim Billy on lead vocals and guitar, John McCuen on mandolin/banjo, and someone else on lead electric guitar.
81. |
12/30/99 |
Big Cypress Seminole Reservation - Big Cypress,
FL |
Source Detail | FOB Schoeps mk4v > kc5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V2 >
Apogee AD1000 @48kHz; DA-P1 > Audio Magic
Presto II > Soundforge XP 4.5 (48>44.1kHz) > CDWav > SHN; Transferred by Eric McRoberts; Note: "SBEfixed" ffp provided 03/09/05 |
Schoeps mk4v>kc-5 actives>cmc6>lunatec v2>apogee ad-1000>btp@48 * with Seminole Indian Chief Jim Billy on lead vocals and guitar, John McCuen on mandolin/banjo, and someone else on lead electric guitar.
82. |
12/31/99 |
Big Cypress Seminole Reservation - Big Cypress,
FL |
| |
B&K 4011>Lunatec V2>Apogee A/D 500 * First Time Played
83. |
12/31/99 |
Big Cypress Seminole Reservation - Big Cypress,
FL |
| |
Neumann U89(omni Setting) Split 12 -> Apogee AD1000 * First Time Played
84. |
12/31/99 |
Big Cypress Seminole Reservation - Big Cypress,
FL |
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earthworks SR-77 > Lunatec V2 > ADC-20 > DA-P1 & M1 (concurrent) * First Time Played
85. |
05/21/00 |
Radio City Music Hall - New York,
NY |
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Neumann U89 > Apogee AD1000 > DAP1 > Aiwa hhb/pro (digi patch)
86. |
05/22/00 |
Radio City Music Hall - New York,
NY |
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B+K 4021>Apogee Ad1000>Hbb>Awia HHb/Pro(Digi Patch)
87. |
07/11/00 |
Deer Creek Music Center - Noblesville,
IN |
Source Detail | shn16, 44kHz; B&K 4011's > EAA PSP-2 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony PCM-M1 > DAT(m); unknown Transfer; Source by Ranan Smith; Patch DAT(m) provided by Ryan Walstrom; Transfer by Bill Gardner |
B&K 4011 --> EAA PSP-2 --> Sony SBM-1 --> Sony M1 (Patch) * Last time Played 12/10/94
** with Moby Dick Teases/jams
# many thanks and jokes
% Trey takes drum solo (Moby Dick style)
88. |
09/30/00 |
Thomas & Mack Center - Las Vegas,
NV |
Source Detail | FOB Schoeps cmc6/mk21 > Apogee AD1000 > D8 @ 44.1k; Technics SV250 > Montego II+ > Soundforge > CDWav > SHN; see flaw note in pub comment |
Schoeps cmc6/mk21(fob) > Apogee AD1000 > D8 @ 44.1k * - w/ Trey On Grand Piano, Page On Drums, Jon On Electric Bass And Mike On Electric Guitar
The Crowd Sang Happy Birthday To Trey Before The Second Set Started
Official Release DVD
89. |
09/30/00 |
Thomas & Mack Center - Las Vegas,
NV |
Source Detail | shnf or flac16; Neumann u89i (split 20 feet, Hypercardioid) > Graham Patten DMIC-20 @ 48kHz > Sony PCM-M1; M1 > Montego II S/PDIF > Cool Edit 2000 @ 44.1kHz/CDWav> .WAV/.SHN; Taped & Transferred by Bryan Austin |
Neumann u89i (Centered and split 20 feet, Hypercardiod, 80Hz roll off)>Graham Patten DMIC-20 @ 48kHz (Thank you, Chris Carvotta) * - w/ Trey On Grand Piano, Page On Drums, Jon On Electric Bass And Mike On Electric Guitar
The Crowd Sang Happy Birthday To Trey Before The Second Set Started
Official Release DVD