I am not actively trading at this time. (July 2020, until further notice)
Some rules aren't meant to be broken:
Please use good quality discs, such as T-Y or Mitsui. I will do the same.
I will include (or send to you by email) whatever setlist, date and venue information I have. Please do the same. If I have art, I will either e-mail it to you or upload it temporarily to my web-space for you to download.
I burn audio cdrs disc-at-once (or DAO). Burning DAO does not insert gaps or clicks between music tracks. You should do the same.
All audio cdrs are extracted to my hardrive with EAC before burning. I do not burn on-the-fly, nor do I use my computer for any other task while burning. Please do the same.
I double check all compressed audio files (shn, flac, ape) after burning them to disc. Please do the same.
Do not write on cdrs or apply cd labels; instead use a post-it or slip of paper with enough information to identify the disc (i.e. artist - date - disc#).
Do not offer or send me MP3 sourced shows.
Please package discs properly for mailing.
Be nice. Be honest. And remember that trading music is supposed to be fun, and it isn't if anyone is disappointed with what they receive for their efforts.
Note: If a show on my list is only listed as shn, flac or ape format, I am more than happy to burn audio discs for trades... just let me know that is what you are interested in, and I'll let you know how many discs the audio requires.