Karl Denson's Tiny Universe
Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA
opening for String Cheese Incident
Karl Denson: saxophone
Andy Cleaves: trumpet
Brian Jordan: guitar
David Veith: keyboards
Ron Johnson: bass
Eric Bolivar: drums
Perfect Circle
Groove On
The Bridge
How Fine Is That
??? -->
Power of Soul
Recorded and transfered by Steve Gilbert.
Source: B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 @ 48k
tapers section was set up directly behind the soundboard (without
the usual VIP section between them)
Conversion: Tascam DA-20mkII (playback) > AudioMagic Presto II coax >
SEK'D Prodif Plus > CDWav (record) > Samplitude 2494 @ 44.1k
Ultra High setting > CDWav (tracks) > mkwACT > SHN
*** no DAE at all ***
Sector boundries confirmed with shntool.
There are also 48k SHN copies available.